Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil

The perfect 2 days itinerary

Petrolina is a city located in the state of Pernambuco, in northeastern Brazil. It is known for its vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and the beautiful São Francisco River that divides the city from Juazeiro in Bahia. Petrolina is also a major center for wine production in Brazil, with vineyards that produce both table wines and brandies. Let's explore the itinerary for your 2-day trip to this charming city.

What to do in Petrolina?

This 2 days itinerary is the perfect guide to the best things to see in Petrolina. It includes day-by-day activities, travel tips, and the top places to visit.

Day 1: Exploring the City and its Culture


Start your day with a visit to the Petrolina Cathedral, a beautiful church located in the heart of the city. From there, take a stroll to the nearby Dom Malan Square, a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.


Visit the São Francisco River, the lifeblood of the city. Take a boat tour to fully appreciate the beauty of the river and its surroundings. After the boat tour, visit the nearby Oficina do Artesão Mestre Quincas, a local craft market where you can buy handmade souvenirs.


Enjoy a traditional Brazilian meal at a local restaurant. Try some of the local dishes like carne de sol (sun-dried beef) and baião de dois (a dish made with rice, beans, and cheese).

Day 2: A Day of Wine and Nature


Visit the Vale do São Francisco Wine Cellars, where you can learn about the wine-making process and taste some of the region's best wines. The vineyards here are unique as they can harvest grapes up to three times a year due to the region's tropical climate.


Head to the Ilha do Rodeadouro, a beautiful island in the middle of the São Francisco River. Here you can relax on the sandy beaches, swim in the river, or enjoy a picnic.


End your day with a visit to the Bodódromo, a popular food street in Petrolina. Here you can try the local specialty, bode assado (roasted goat), and other delicious regional dishes.

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