Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The perfect 3 days itinerary

Manhuaçu is a charming town located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Nestled amidst the lush green mountains of the region, it is known for its coffee plantations, local cuisine, and natural beauty. The town serves as a gateway to the Caparaó National Park, home to the third highest peak in Brazil, Pico da Bandeira. Manhuaçu offers a peaceful retreat with its scenic landscapes and warm, welcoming community.

What to do in Manhuaçu?

This 3 days itinerary is the perfect guide to the best things to see in Manhuaçu. It includes day-by-day activities, travel tips, and the top places to visit.

Day 1: Exploration of Local Culture and Nature


Start your day with a visit to the local coffee plantations. Learn about the coffee-making process and enjoy a fresh brew with breathtaking views of the surrounding hills.


Head to the Museu do Café, where you can dive deeper into the history and significance of coffee in the region. Later, explore the vibrant Mercado Municipal, a perfect place to sample local cuisine and purchase handmade crafts.


Enjoy a relaxing evening at Praça Cordovil Pinto Coelho, the main square in Manhuaçu. Experience the local culture with live music and street food.

Day 2: Adventure in Caparaó National Park


Drive to Caparaó National Park, located about 2 hours from Manhuaçu. Spend the day hiking and exploring the diverse flora and fauna. Don't miss the chance to climb Pico da Bandeira, the third highest peak in Brazil, for spectacular views.


Continue your exploration of the park. Visit the Vale Verde and Vale Encantado, two of the most picturesque spots in the park, ideal for photography and nature walks.


Return to Manhuaçu and relax after a day of adventure.

Day 3: Cultural Immersion and Relaxation


Visit the Igreja Matriz de São Lourenço, a beautiful church in the heart of Manhuaçu. Explore the surrounding streets and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.


Take a leisurely walk through the Parque Municipal, a lovely green space perfect for picnics and relaxation. Visit the nearby waterfalls for a refreshing swim or just to admire the scenery.


Conclude your trip with a dinner at a traditional Brazilian restaurant, trying out local dishes like feijoada and pão de queijo.

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