Black Rock City, NV, USA

The perfect 3 days itinerary

Black Rock City, a temporary city erected in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, is best known for the Burning Man festival, a week-long event dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. Participants come from all over the world to create art and express their individuality. The city, which is built and torn down every year, features a unique layout designed around a central effigy, the 'Man', which is burned at the end of the festival.

What to do in Black Rock City?

This 3 days itinerary is the perfect guide to the best things to see in Black Rock City. It includes day-by-day activities, travel tips, and the top places to visit.

Day 1: Arrival and Acclimation


Arrive in Black Rock City. Set up your camp and get acclimated to the environment. Remember, this is a desert, so stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun.


Take a bike ride around the city to familiarize yourself with the layout. Visit the Center Camp, a hub of activity with art, performances, and cafes.


Attend the welcome ceremony at the Man. Meet fellow 'Burners' and enjoy the spirit of community.

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Day 2: Exploring the Playa


Start your day with a yoga session at one of the many camps that offer it. Then, head out to explore the Playa, the open space where art installations are set up.


Participate in a workshop or discussion at one of the theme camps. These can range from art and science to spirituality and social issues.


Enjoy the sunset from an art car, a decorated vehicle that is a staple of Burning Man. Then, head to one of the many music camps for a night of dancing.

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Day 3: Participation and Celebration


Participate in a community service activity, such as a clean-up or building project. This is part of the principle of 'gifting' and 'participation' at Burning Man.


Visit the Temple, a sacred space for reflection and remembrance. Leave a message or memento here if you wish.


Gather with the community for the burning of the Man, the highlight of the festival. Celebrate with music, dance, and fire performances.

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